

Art Director / Designer

A career that began with a degree in design has, over the last two decades, taken Ziyad through a portfolio of experiences as an Art Director – and ultimately, creative consultant – for multinational advertising agencies in Dubai, including the likes of M&C Saatchi, Lowe, Leo Burnett, JWT and Dentsu, as well as regional top-shops such as RASAS and Spark (Publinet).

Over the course of this time, Ziyad has trained under a slew of exacting Creative Directors and produced award-winning work across a diverse range of industries. Emirates SkyCargo, Axe, Rexona, Johnson & Johnson, Nayomi lingerie,, Aldar, Kraft, HSBC, UAE Roads & Transport Authority (RTA) and Ferrero are just a few of the notable brands he has pitched, campaigned and innovated for.

This arsenal of work has come with its fair share of awards, with Ziyad’s current count at 26 local and international awards – including Cannes, London International, New York Festival, Epica, Campaign Middle East, MENA Cristal and Dubai Lynx.

Oh, and then there was that brief period when Ziyad was a Co-Founder and Creative Partner at Dubai-based agency, RASAS – as a result of which, he is no stranger to the running and gunning for the business of creativity too. Currently managing Ibda Studios – a growing design boutique, Ziyad also provides his creative consultancy to advertising behemoth, Leo Burnett.

He is ready and eager to accept new challenges as a collaborator on brand development with agencies and clients across the world. So reach out, drop a word or simply spread the word – it’ll be exciting.  |